Pinna/Kephale Gonia – Chief Cornerstone
Each table receives a bag of blocks which they will be using
throughout the class. One block is a triangle. Ask each table to try to make a
square using the triangle as one of the corners…does it work? Now have them
replace the triangle with a square.
Explain the purpose of a Cornerstone – kept things straight
when building.
Group Activity:
Building Blocks
(As the leader takes the group through the following
scriptures they will be creating a corner and 2 walls of a building. Start with
the block that has “Pinna” on the left side and “Gonia” on the right
Ro’sh Pinna – Hebrew used
in Psalms 18:22, Isaiah 28:16-17 and Zechariah 10:4
Kephale Gonia – Greek
used in Matthew 21:42, Mark 12:10 and Luke 20:17 (all same), Acts 4:11, Eph
2:20 and 1 Peter 2:6-7
Greek translate to Capstone – discuss difference
Psalm 118:22 to Luke 20:17 and
Acts 4:11
Psalm is celebrating God’s love and
the everlasting security found in it – His love endures forever. Read Psalm 118:19-23
quotes this as He is explaining the Parable of the Evil Farmer in the Gospels
of Matthew, Mark and Luke – Read Luke 20:0-19
Ideally your build on a cornerstone (or use a capstone to hold it all together)
But some trip and fall on it…You have a choice: Confess your sins and place
them on the Cornerstone/Jesus or you can Stumble on Him…resulting in receiving
His judgement/being crushed. Leaders saw the Truth and so they wanted to
Silence him!
and John use this same quote when they are testifying on where their power
comes from after they were arrested for healing – Read Acts 4:1-12
Isaiah 28:16-17
to Isaiah 28 – Judah was afraid of the Assyrians so they had turned to other
sources for security…Is it work selling out what you believe in for temporary
protection against evil?
Isaiah 28: 14-19 – discuss
Pulling them together with 1
Peter 2:6-7
fulfilled in Jesus – Read 1 Peter 2:4-10. Each of us is a stone on the wall –
write your names in a stone
Each bag of blocks has 4 rectangle blocks with the words Justice, Righteous, Mercy and Judge. Tables need to decide which wall of their building, Old Testament or New Testament, illustrates these characteristics of Jesus.
Take Home Names of God Crossword Puzzle