Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Hall of Faith #9 Gideon

Faith Lessons: Gideon

Lesson for Life:  God is our one true strength.  Psalm 28:7 - The Lord is my strength and shield.   I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.  I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.
Faith Verse:  Victory comes when we let God fight the battles.  Judges 7:2 - The Lord said to Gideon, “You have too many men. I cannot deliver Midian into their hands, or Israel would boast against me, ‘My own strength has saved me’ .
Opening Activity:  (10 minutes)
Ask the weakest person at each table to stand. Give them each 2 1-liter bottles filled with water. They need to put their arms straight out in a T and see who can hold up straight the longest.
            Was this challenge easier or harder than you thought?
            What could have made it easier other than putting the water down?
            In what ways does God give us strength?
Have volunteer stand back up, but this time have the strongest person at each table stand behind them and hold up their biceps. See who can hold up the longest.
            What made it easier this time?
            Psalm 28:7 - In what way does God give us strength?
            Why would God choose the weak to fight His battles instead of strong?  Judges 7:2 (think of David and Goliath)
Whole Group Scripture: (5-10 mins)
Judges 6: 7-16
            Why had God allowed the Midianites to take over the Israelites?
            How were the Israelites/Gideon in denial? 
Why did Gideon doubt God’s message to him?
            Judges 6:25-31
Before God sent Gideon out to destroy the Midianites, He commanded Gideon to do what?
What does this tell us about Gideon’s own families’ part in Israelites sin against God?
Notice Gideon is still scared so when does he do this act?
What does verse 31 tell us about Gideon’s father?

Table Time:
Read Judges 7:1-8a, 16-22
            Have everyone at the table select a large rock and write one thing that they are good at. Place it in the first pitcher.  This represents Gideon’s army with 32,000 men.
            Why do you think God first commanded that anyone who “trembles” or was afraid to leave?  What happens when others around you are too nervous to do something? 
            Next have everyone at the table choose a small rock and write one thing that they aren’t the best at or scared of doing. Place it in the second pitcher.  This represents Gideon’s army with 300 men.
            Have someone pour water into the two pitchers.  Which one had more room for the water? 
            These two pitchers are the same as the two sizes of armies Gideon had. God wanted the victory to be HIS so the Israelites would realize they need God.  If we only do what comes easy to us, do we give God room to work?
            Note also, what did Gideon give each man to hold?  Did they even draw their swords?
            What other battle that we have studied this summer can you compare this one to?
            Ask someone to take the small rocks out and hand back to each person.  As a table discuss how each person can use that skill for God’s kingdom.  Take this rock home with you and pray each day that God gives you the strength to do what He is calling you to do.


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