Sunday, May 31, 2015

Faith Book Week #1 - Becoming Real With Christ

Witnesses for Christ
One of the ways we can share our faith with others is by sharing our stories. People love to hear stories. Stories can do so many things! They make things come alive! What a better way to share our love of an unseen God with our friends and family then with stories of how we have seen and experienced God's love in our lives.
Throughout the summer we will be working on creating our Family Faith Scrapbooks so that we can share them with others both young and old as a witness to what God has done in our lives. This isn't a new concept. In Acts 1:8 Jesus told his disciples, "You will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere."
So first let's talk together just what a witness is. What does a witness do? A witness tells the audience what they have seen and what they have heard. They stick to the facts and just tell the story as it unfolded. Notice, witnesses don't argue with the jury and they certainly don't lie or embellish the facts. If they did not only would it discredit them as a witness, but it also tarnishes the story they are trying to share, making it harder for the jury to believe the next witness they hear from.
Our job as witnesses for Christ is the most important job we do! Our jury members are our friends and family - the World! The result of our testimony could open the door to Salvation or it could tarnish our jurors perception of this God they are learning about.
We don't have to be nervous though, we simply need to stick to the facts. Psalm 66:16 reminds us, "Come and listen...and I will tell you what God has done for me." That's all we need to do. Go to God, listen to God's voice and then tell others what He has done for us. Just the facts.
Our page today will help us start our journey of being a witness for God. Our word picture today will focus on Jesus, the Son of God and how I think of and spend time with Him. He is the key person in our story after all, so we need to start by thinking about our friendship with Him.

Page 1: Becoming Real With Christ

Open Video:
Discussion Questions:  

1.    The Skin Horse tells the horse that once you become REAL you cannot be ugly, except to those who don’t understand. What part of faith in God is hard for outsiders to understand?
2.  Who is your “skin horse”? Someone who makes you feel better about yourself and reminds you what the Truth is?
3.  What does it mean for someone to become REAL to you?
4.  Rabbit asks if it hurts to become real and the Skin Horse replied, “Sometimes, but when you are real, you don’t mind it as much.” How does this relate to your faith walk and the times of trails you have encountered?

5.  How is God’s love REAL to you?

Page 1: 
Give each participant a "Son" Flower sheet to complete. Fill in the flower petals with words describing what Christ is to you: Savior, Friend, Comforter, etc. Put your name on the flower pot.  

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