Monday, June 22, 2015

Studying the Bible Week #1: Why?

Opening  Activity:  New Testament Cup Challenge
Each team receives 28 Styrofoam cups. Each cup has a book of the New Testament written on it along with one cup having “New Testament” written on it.  The cups should NOT be in order.
Each team will send one person at a time to a table to create a pyramid out of the cups. The bottom row should start with “New Testament” on one end, “Matthew” next to it, and so forth until a pyramid is made with “Revelation” on top.
The first team to complete their pyramid wins chocolate!
Discussion: Reading the Bible
                Why do you read the Bible?
                When do you turn to the Bible the most?
                What are some of the reasons God gave us the Bible?
God gave us the Bible to:
                Teach us about Him and help us grow closer to Him
                Teach us about His Son Jesus Christ and to glorify Him
                Teach us about ourselves and the world we live in
                Teach us how to live Godly lives and how to live out His mission…Holy Spirit
Game Time: Bible Tic-Tac-Toe
                Have each table divide themselves into two teams.
Each table will receive a Tic-Tac-Toe board, game pieces (10 pieces for each team), a cup with slips of paper with Bible verses on it, and an index card with the 4 reasons from above.
The team with the oldest table member starts first. They will draw a slip from the cup and find the verse in their Bible. Next they will read the verse to the table and decide which of the 4 Reasons the verses matches. If the table agrees with them, they get to place one of their team game markers on a square on the Tic-Tac-Toe board.

Play will continue until a team earns a Tic-Tac-Toe.  There are enough slips to play the game multiple times.

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