Have index cards on each table and as a group write down your top 3 things a
Christian needs to believe
Groups have Creeds so
all members are on the same page - ask for examples from groups they have been in.
Example: Girl Scouts
1. To serve God and my country
2. Help people at all times
3. Live by the GS Laws
Share table lists
So why are creeds important? We need to know what our Faith is in and all
believe in the same thing to keep the church pure and true to Christ.
Faith T-Chart on white
board or poster board
Faith on top with Knowledge on
bottom left ant Experience on bottom right
1. Knowledge is what we know with our mind – There is
a God but James 2:19
2. Experience is what we experience with our senses –
This becomes our testimony John 20:29
3. These result in what our Faith is in – Believe not
just IN God but believe GOD – Faith Hebrews 11:1
Nicene Creed
written in 325 AD in Nicea in a meeting called by the Emperor Constantine (this
was before the NT was even finalized) and then revised in 381 AD in
Table Time:
Creeds in the Bible
Have verse cards on
each table and as a group write down the must-beliefs from each on a sheet of
Jews used the Shema – Deuteronomy
Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 8:6 and 1
Timothy 3:16
Have Believe color
sheets for the younger children
Large Group Time: Why Study the Creed?
warns us – 2 Peter 2:1-2
warns us – Romans 16:17
warns us – Matthew 24:23-24
Take Homes
Tetris Creed (color before making
Journals – What do you believe about
God, about Jesus, about the Holy Spirit and about the church?
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