Monday, July 31, 2017

Jesus' Crucifixion, Death and Burial Creed #5

Jesus’s Crucifixion, death and burial
Entrance Craft for Kids: Easter Buns – kids will assemble their own Easter Bun (marshmallow is sinless Christ – cinnamon is our sin He took on – bread dough is the tomb) and put in oven so ready at the end.

Transition: Today’s section is “and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried,”
            Why did Jesus have to be crucified? Have everyone put a red dot on top of their hand with a marker and then write their name under it.... As we go through the journey of the cross today, look at the dot to think of all Jesus did for you so that you could be in heaven with Him.

Table Time: Journey of the Cross Worksheet – will take each table through Bible verses explaining why: crucified, Pontius Pilate, Suffering and Buried. Each section also has a small snack to assemble

Large Group:
Talk thru each point on worksheet:
            Crucified – Gentiles were crucified while Jews were stoned
            Pontius Pilate – Historical creditability – stops the debate that Jesus’s death was only a Spiritual issue); Also that God can use evil people for His good
            Suffered – Jesus is our Passover Lamb
            Buried – Normally those crucified were thrown into the garbage heap – the burial shows God’s acceptance of the sacrifice

Take Homes:

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