Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Jesus is Christ - Creed #3

Opening: Jesus is the Best Gift Ever Object Lesson (based on pin from Group Publishing)

            Each table will have a tray with a large glass and then 4 Dixie cups with and labeled: honey, milk, dish soap and vegetable oil.
            The Bible tells us we should love Jesus Christ more than anything else – so He should always be the first thing in our life and hearts…someone at each table pour the vegetable oil into the glass
            There are other things in our lives that take our time and attention though – what are some? What do you think happens when I add other things to my life or glass? Someone at each table can pour in a second cup of their choice. Note that no matter what liquid we put in, the vegetable oil will rise and settle on top…this is the way our life is supposed to be also.
            Then there are the things other people in our families like to do with us and around us…sometimes these things change what I get to do with my time. Have someone else at the table pour in a cup of their choice. Again note the oil will rise to top.
            So why do you think the vegetable oil or Jesus always rises to the top of our hearts calling for our attention and wanting to be first?

Transition: Today we are going to learn about the title that is most used for Jesus in the NT and the first reference to Him in our Creed – One Lord Jesus Christ
            Jesus was the name given to Him at birth – Jesus of Nazareth
            Christ is His title – in Greek it means Messiah or the Anointed One
Read 2 verses: Philippines 2:10-11 and Matthew 16:16

Table Time: At our tables today we are going to play the Portrait of Christ game. Your goal is to collect one of each of the 5 Portrait Cards.
The writers of the NT and job of the disciples was to show people that Jesus was the Christ, and so they often referred to the prophecies in the OT. There are 5 basic traits of Jesus Christ the Messiah.
1.    Mediator of the New Covenant
2.    Suffering Servant to bear our sins
3.    Descendent of David to restore the Kingdom of Israel
4.    Heavenly Being sent to earth to judge
5.    High Priest to represent us before God
As you play the game, someone will read a Bible verse to you, and you have to decide which trait it represents.  If you guess correctly, you get that trait card.

Closing Time: Which Portrait was easiest for you to identify? What was something new that caught your attention today?
Take Homes: Life of Christ Kit for kids from Oriental Trading


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