Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Why a Creed of Faith - Creed #1

Opening: Have index cards on each table and as a group write down your top 3 things a Christian needs to believe

Groups have Creeds so all members are on the same page - ask for examples from groups they have been in. 
Example: Girl Scouts
1.    To serve God and my country
2.    Help people at all times
3.    Live by the GS Laws

Share table lists

Transition: So why are creeds important? We need to know what our Faith is in and all believe in the same thing to keep the church pure and true to Christ.

Faith T-Chart on white board or poster board
            Faith on top with Knowledge on bottom left ant Experience on bottom right
1.    Knowledge is what we know with our mind – There is a God but James 2:19
2.    Experience is what we experience with our senses – This becomes our testimony John 20:29
3.    These result in what our Faith is in – Believe not just IN God but believe GOD – Faith Hebrews 11:1

Nicene Creed
1st written in 325 AD in Nicea in a meeting called by the Emperor Constantine (this was before the NT was even finalized) and then revised in 381 AD in Constantinople

Table Time: Creeds in the Bible
Have verse cards on each table and as a group write down the must-beliefs from each on a sheet of paper
            Jews used the Shema – Deuteronomy 6:4-9
            Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 8:6 and 1 Timothy 3:16
Have Believe color sheets for the younger children

Large Group Time: Why Study the Creed?
Peter warns us – 2 Peter 2:1-2
Paul warns us – Romans 16:17
Jesus warns us – Matthew 24:23-24

Take Homes
            Tetris Creed (color before making copy)

            Journals – What do you believe about God, about Jesus, about the Holy Spirit and about the church?

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