Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Studying the Bible: How

Opening Activity
     Follow this link to download your own copy of Old Testament and New Testament Matching Game. 

Studying the Bible Discussion and Exercise 
     What are some of the best ways to read the bible?
For example – new believers don’t start reading the book of Genesis and read forward. Start at the New Testament.
     What has worked for you?

The Basics of Bible Study 
     There are several ways to study the Bible, but could we agree on five basics we should always do?
(Give tables a few minutes to discuss and come up with five at their table – make a list up front)
     Ask the right questions
     Write down your observations
     Don’t just interpret it, apply it
     Study it systematically (have a plan)
     Read it more than once
*Joshua 1:8 ( who can find first, read it…”meditate” means rumination…that’s what a cow does when it chews its cud. Chewing it over and over to digest it. Scripture meditation is reading a passage over and over again, then thinking about it and concentrating on it in different ways until you have digested its meaning)

Trying it out 
      Have each table then work through James Worksheet at their table.  After some time go over the sheet as large group.

Take it Home: Scripture books
Let children assemble their own SOAP Scripture Books to take home to help them take time each day to read the Bible with their parents.


  1. The "James Worksheet" is missing. Do you have another copy, or could you give me the gist of it?
