Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Prayer Weeks - One Sunday Lesson, Followed by Prayer Stations

Prayer Wk 1
Opening Acts 

 Lords Prayer in a bag – give each table a bag and a piece of paper with the line written on it – for “posters” use banners they hold up

Lords Prayer Scriptures 
                Matthew 6:9-13 – look at in different versions on handout

Breaking it Down  
        Video: RightNow Media – ACTS prayer (3:40)
        Have Lords Prayer color books for younger kids on hand pin 

ACTS – Break the prayer apart into these four parts as a table
              Children can color the parts diff colors Lords PrayerColouring
  1. Adoration    Praising, worshipping God, for Who He is
  2. Confession    Asking God to cleanse us from sin
  3. Thanksgiving    Believing, acknowledging God's grace
  4. Supplication   Our specific prayer requests
Using the Lord’s Prayer as a Model 

What did Jesus say when He told us to pray like this? 
What are some downfalls of route prayers?
We have used the ACTS prompt to help us break down the Lord’s Prayer. What are some others?
Video: RightNow Media – What is Prayer – LOVE!
So remember…the Lord’s Prayer is a model! God wants CONVERSATION with us – He wants RELATIONSHIP with us!! The ACTS is simply a guide to make that happen. 

Have tables pray together in closing – using the ACTS if it helps – as a way of moving closer to God.

The following Sunday we did Prayer Stations. Some stations had items to take home for families to make their own prayer stations, others had materials to make objects (like a balloon flower). For prayer station ideas, visit my Pinterest All Church Board.

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