Sunday, July 10, 2016

Names of God #5: El Shaddai God Almighty

El Shaddai – God Almighty

Dictionary as group
Cards are things only God can do (examples: blind can see, rising Lazarus from the dead, Jonah and the whale, Crossing of the Red Sea, etc)
What are somethings that you can’t do that God can do?
What are somethings that God leaves to you to do?
How do you react to those in your life that are more powerful than you?

                El Shaddai -        
                                El Shaddai – God Almighty
                                Websters says Almighty is “having absolute power of all; having complete power; having a great deal of power or importance.
                                Well-known verse – “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” Gen 18:14
                                Used 48 times in OT - 31 in Job alone!
                                Abram was the first in Genesis 17 as He and God talk about the Covenant between them again

Background to the Convenant
a.        Genesis 12:1 – 25 years earlier – God’s promise to Abram (75 years old)
b.      Genesis 15 – no child yet
c.       Genesis 16 – Sarah’s idea to fulfill promise through Hagar
d.      Genesis 17 – Abram is now 100 years old and tired…loosing hope…things are a mess because of Sarah and his’ own attempt to fill God’s promise       
**SO El Shaddai has come in during a seemingly impossible situation
a.       God doesn’t want (or need) our help outside of His plan
b.      We often get in the way of the blessing and delay God

                Read story Genesis 17:1-10
a.       What were the 2 main parts of the covenant? God’s and Abram’s? (circumsion and to walk a holy life)
b.      God had already told Abram His own part of the promise back in Genesis 12 and 15 – why do you think this is the first time He is mentioning Abram’s part? (He is getting ready to fulfill it so preparing Abram for action)
c.       Is God’s condition for obedience one He still expects of us today? (Yes – 2 Cor. 6:17-18 and John 15:5)
                                                                                                   i.      Story of the Rechargeable Solar Lights…We are lights for God – first we need to stay charged with HIS power – second we need to walk in the Light…if Solar lights stay in the darkness, they lose their shine and burn out
d.      God’s side of the covenant had several promises…what are they?  (Father of many nations – fruitful – Kings – to be your God – Canaan) 
**List on white board)

Craft and a Look at How God fulfilled these promises
1.        Each table has materials to make a scene of Abram looking up at the stars. Your stars have verses to look up in the Bible
2.       As children cut and paste the stars in the sky, have someone read the story in the Bible and discuss what part of the promise it fulfills. Write this on a blank star and color both starts the same color
3.       Why is it important that we can identify these stories?? (We trust those who have shown their power…those who have kept their promises)

BLESSINGS from El Shaddai
                Note that God required both something from Abram but ALSO his descendants the Israelites….Blessings require us to react with obedience
                Quick illustration of fishing (from Tony Evans)…2 guys fishing…one kept catching HUGE fish but would throw them back. If he caught anything under 10”s, he would keep it. Finally  the other guy asked WHAT he was doing?! The first man said – well my frying pan is only 10 inches wide…

                WHAT is something El Shaddai is calling YOU to be obedient and do yet you may not feel you have the tools, the frying pan, to accomplish it?

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