Monday, July 31, 2017

Jesus' 2nd Coming and Judgement Day Creed #7

Jesus’ 2nd Coming and Judgement Day

            We will start with a Relay Race to gather cards that will spell a phrase that we need to remember as we think about the End Times and the uncertain events to come. The only Letter Card you can have two of is “T”
            The phrase is “Trust God”. The big thing we need to remember any time you study Revelation and Jesus’ 2nd Coming is that there are things the Bible just doesn’t tell us. So we need to Trust God! It is OK to DISAGREE about each other’s interpretations of the End Times – it shows that we are digging and processing the scriptures BUT it is NOT ok to DIVIDE because of our interpretations. THERE ARE NO CLEAR ANSWERS for all the events to come in the End of Satan’s reign on earth. Proverbs 3:5 – look up and read

Large Group:
Your next task today is you look up the scriptures on the back of your letter cards. Read them and as a table decide which ones are talking about Jesus’ 2nd Coming vs Judgement Day. Be ready to share with everyone what the point or fact we can gather from each scripture is.
2nd Coming: Matthew 24:26-31, 1 Thes 5:1-11, 1 Thes 4:13-18 and Luke 12:35-48
Judgement: Matthew 16:24-28, Romans 2:5-11, Rev 20:11-15 and Rev 21:6-8
Share after

End Illustration: Have adults stand up on one side of the room with the youth and children on the other. We are going earn medals based on our good deeds this week. (Have a handful of individuals assigned before-hand to say something like “Ha no thanks – I quit now” and they will sit down in the front to watch.) State various good deeds like “Read the Bible at least 2 times this week” or “Said meal prayers”. If someone has done them they can stay standing, but if not they come to the center to receive their medal. The first group who is “out” receives the bronze medals. The second group the silver and the last group the gold.
Point out to everyone – those who choose not to “play” or have Faith in Jesus will go to Hell on Judgement day – they won’t receive the prize of Heaven. Those going to Heaven will then be judged on what they did with Jesus in their lives – did they make a difference? They will receive different rewards based on their earthly deeds. NOTE our DEEDS do not save us!! FAITH ALONE saves us.
(Medals can be ordered off from Amazon.)

Take Homes: Everyone can take a medal home to hang up to remind themselves to let their faith make a difference in their actions.

Jesus' Resurrection Creed #6

Jesus’ Resurrection
Entrance Craft for Kids: Easter Foldable

Transition: Today’s section is “and the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father;
            Today we are going to act out various skits to decide whether Jesus’ resurrection was truth or fiction

Large Group:
Leader can be the Narrator or you can assign someone to be the Narrator
Lawyer – has questions on each Witness sheet, so print two of each
Witness #1 – Roman Soldier at the Cross
Witness #2 – Roman Guard
Witness #3 – Thomas
Witness #4 - Paul
**Each person has an Evidence Worksheet to fill out as they listen

Discuss what they wrote down after the skits

Jesus' Crucifixion, Death and Burial Creed #5

Jesus’s Crucifixion, death and burial
Entrance Craft for Kids: Easter Buns – kids will assemble their own Easter Bun (marshmallow is sinless Christ – cinnamon is our sin He took on – bread dough is the tomb) and put in oven so ready at the end.

Transition: Today’s section is “and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried,”
            Why did Jesus have to be crucified? Have everyone put a red dot on top of their hand with a marker and then write their name under it.... As we go through the journey of the cross today, look at the dot to think of all Jesus did for you so that you could be in heaven with Him.

Table Time: Journey of the Cross Worksheet – will take each table through Bible verses explaining why: crucified, Pontius Pilate, Suffering and Buried. Each section also has a small snack to assemble

Large Group:
Talk thru each point on worksheet:
            Crucified – Gentiles were crucified while Jews were stoned
            Pontius Pilate – Historical creditability – stops the debate that Jesus’s death was only a Spiritual issue); Also that God can use evil people for His good
            Suffered – Jesus is our Passover Lamb
            Buried – Normally those crucified were thrown into the garbage heap – the burial shows God’s acceptance of the sacrifice

Take Homes:

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Jesus Son of God Creed #4

Jesus Son of God

Opening: 5 different tables get a Heavenly Signs card to act out to review quickly the signs from heaven showing Jesus was from heaven to various individuals so that they could be witnesses. You could add more like Jesus’ dedication at the temple or any others you think of. 

Transition: Today we are looking at why it is important to acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God. Why does it make a difference?
            C. S. Lewis, who was a professor at Cambridge University and once an agnostic, understood this issue clearly.  He writes: "I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg ‑ or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the son of God: or else a madman or something worse."
Then Lewis adds: "You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come up with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."

Table Time: Only’s Poster and Worksheet: the Creed says Jesus is the “only BEGOTTEN Son of God” What does BEGOTTEN mean? In Greek it is “monogenes” which means one of a kind or unique; only.
Each table will do one of the verses from the Only’s worksheet and decide what “Only” it explains about Jesus. Then someone will write a list of the Only’s that Jesus fulfills.

Large Group: Jesus is God on Earth as a person – ONE person with TWO natures – He was God’s divinity placed in Mary’s womb to obtain human flesh so that He could become Jesus the man…SO if Jesus IS the Son of God – How does that change your life??

Take Homes:
Magnify Glasses and Wordsearch for kids along with Nativity coloring book from Oriental Trading.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

God our Father Creed #2

God Our Father
Entrance Craft for Kids: We made Father’s Day crafts with the kids as they came in.

Opening: Have notecard with quote and instructions to make a list on a clean sheet of paper the thoughts, words or images shared around the table: AW Tozer said, “The most important thing about you is what you think when you think about God.”
Our thinking is influenced by the world around us – our culture – our parents – our experiences and our church
Share what each table put on paper.

Transition: Our task today is to see God as OUR Father based on what the Bible tells us. A good place to start is to look at WHY it was controversial in the first place that not only Jesus but Christians called God “Father”.
When OT Jewish children were taught to pray, they were given 32 different titles to call God, and Father was NOT one of them…in fact it wasn’t until 10AD do we find a Jew calling God Father in Hebrew!
Matt:3:13-17 God claims Jesus
John 5:16-18 Jesus claims God

Table Time: Tables will work thru What Kind of Father worksheets – adults and older children will read the verse while children of all ages can draw the kind of father the verse shows us.

Large Group: What does it look like to accept God as our Father? Have various tables look up the following verses.
1.    1 John 3:16 Realize and Cherish the thought that God sent His Son Jesus for us
2.    John 3:16-17 See the Cross where God redeems our mess; where we KNOW God’s love for us
3.    Galatians 4:4-7 Receive our share as His children who will inherit His kingdom and love
4.    1 John 3:17-20 Love Others so as to pass on God’s blessings so other’s can see Him.

Take Homes:
Recommend Louie Giglio’s Seeing God as the Perfect Father
Journal on Giglio’s quote – “Remember God isn’t a bigger version of your earthly father. We are worshipping a PERFECT father.”

Craft for kids- Child of God necklace from Oriental Trading (their craft kits rotate so any Child of God craft project would work.)

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Jesus is Christ - Creed #3

Opening: Jesus is the Best Gift Ever Object Lesson (based on pin from Group Publishing)

            Each table will have a tray with a large glass and then 4 Dixie cups with and labeled: honey, milk, dish soap and vegetable oil.
            The Bible tells us we should love Jesus Christ more than anything else – so He should always be the first thing in our life and hearts…someone at each table pour the vegetable oil into the glass
            There are other things in our lives that take our time and attention though – what are some? What do you think happens when I add other things to my life or glass? Someone at each table can pour in a second cup of their choice. Note that no matter what liquid we put in, the vegetable oil will rise and settle on top…this is the way our life is supposed to be also.
            Then there are the things other people in our families like to do with us and around us…sometimes these things change what I get to do with my time. Have someone else at the table pour in a cup of their choice. Again note the oil will rise to top.
            So why do you think the vegetable oil or Jesus always rises to the top of our hearts calling for our attention and wanting to be first?

Transition: Today we are going to learn about the title that is most used for Jesus in the NT and the first reference to Him in our Creed – One Lord Jesus Christ
            Jesus was the name given to Him at birth – Jesus of Nazareth
            Christ is His title – in Greek it means Messiah or the Anointed One
Read 2 verses: Philippines 2:10-11 and Matthew 16:16

Table Time: At our tables today we are going to play the Portrait of Christ game. Your goal is to collect one of each of the 5 Portrait Cards.
The writers of the NT and job of the disciples was to show people that Jesus was the Christ, and so they often referred to the prophecies in the OT. There are 5 basic traits of Jesus Christ the Messiah.
1.    Mediator of the New Covenant
2.    Suffering Servant to bear our sins
3.    Descendent of David to restore the Kingdom of Israel
4.    Heavenly Being sent to earth to judge
5.    High Priest to represent us before God
As you play the game, someone will read a Bible verse to you, and you have to decide which trait it represents.  If you guess correctly, you get that trait card.

Closing Time: Which Portrait was easiest for you to identify? What was something new that caught your attention today?
Take Homes: Life of Christ Kit for kids from Oriental Trading


Why a Creed of Faith - Creed #1

Opening: Have index cards on each table and as a group write down your top 3 things a Christian needs to believe

Groups have Creeds so all members are on the same page - ask for examples from groups they have been in. 
Example: Girl Scouts
1.    To serve God and my country
2.    Help people at all times
3.    Live by the GS Laws

Share table lists

Transition: So why are creeds important? We need to know what our Faith is in and all believe in the same thing to keep the church pure and true to Christ.

Faith T-Chart on white board or poster board
            Faith on top with Knowledge on bottom left ant Experience on bottom right
1.    Knowledge is what we know with our mind – There is a God but James 2:19
2.    Experience is what we experience with our senses – This becomes our testimony John 20:29
3.    These result in what our Faith is in – Believe not just IN God but believe GOD – Faith Hebrews 11:1

Nicene Creed
1st written in 325 AD in Nicea in a meeting called by the Emperor Constantine (this was before the NT was even finalized) and then revised in 381 AD in Constantinople

Table Time: Creeds in the Bible
Have verse cards on each table and as a group write down the must-beliefs from each on a sheet of paper
            Jews used the Shema – Deuteronomy 6:4-9
            Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 8:6 and 1 Timothy 3:16
Have Believe color sheets for the younger children

Large Group Time: Why Study the Creed?
Peter warns us – 2 Peter 2:1-2
Paul warns us – Romans 16:17
Jesus warns us – Matthew 24:23-24

Take Homes
            Tetris Creed (color before making copy)

            Journals – What do you believe about God, about Jesus, about the Holy Spirit and about the church?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Hall of Faith #11: Samson

Faith Lessons: Samson
Lesson for Life:  Each Christian is a target for temptation.  1 Corinthians 10:12 – “Therefore let anyone who thinks he stands – who feels sure that he has a steadfast mind and is standing firm – take heed lest he fall (into sin).” AMP
Faith Verse:  Repent.  Isaiah 55:7  – “Let the wicked change their ways and banish the very thought of doing wrong. Let them turn to the LORD that he may have mercy on them. Yes, turn to our God, for he will forgive generously.”

Opening Activity – Falling Stars:  (10 minutes)
Have a cup of 10 “Fallen Stars” on sticks on each table. Each star will have a name of a Hall of Faither that we have studied thus far and on the back some of their sins. Each person can draw a star and ask the table – what was their sin?
As a whole group then talk about our two verses…

Whole Group Scripture: (10 mins)
Read about Samson’s life up to capture using The Beginngers Bible from Zonderkidz pg146-150 (based on Judges 13; 16)
Let’s make a list of some of the main things we know about Samson on board
1.        Samson was an Israelite
2.       Samson’s strength came from his hair (talk for a moment…was it really his hair or his obedience?)
3.       Samson’s purpose was to kill the Philistines – God’s enemies
4.       Samson’s weakness was women - he fell in love with Delilah (a Philistine)
5.       Samson was captured by the enemies after telling Delilah his secret/disobedience and God took his strength away.
Hmmm…so if we look at this list, HOW did Samson end up in the Hall of Faith??  It was because of his REPENTANCE.
Let’s read from our big bible about Samson’s redemption: Judges 16: 23-30

Table Time:  (15 mins)
ADULTS   go to separate room to complete Adult Reflection Sheet and Repentance Sheet
FAMILIES with young kids play plate/scenario gameAlso have project to color/take home
FAMILIES with upper elementary and teen do Repentance Bible Sheet

End Conclusion: (5 mins)

Water – food color – bleach activity at each table but as a whole
Have a clear glass of water at each table. This was Samson before he opened his life up to women and the temptations he faced because of his desires. Drop one drop of food coloring in each glass...Once Samson let Delilah become more important to him than his promise to obey God, his life changed and his thinking was clouded with his love for her. It destroyed him. However, God offers each of us repentance when we are willing to admit our sin and give our life back to Him. When Samson decided to give his life once again to God's purpose of killing the Philistines, God forgave him and gave him the power to destroy the temple. Slowly pour in a few drops of bleach representing God's forgiveness and watch the water become clear again.

Hall of Faith #10: Daniel

Faith Lessons: Daniel
Lesson for Life:  Staying true to God.  Daniel1:8  - But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.
Faith Verse:  Living a faithful lifeRomans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.

Whole Group Scripture Time:  

Punch a Hole Bible Game
Play Males vs Females – have two people at a time come up. First one to answer a Daniel Fact correctly gets first chance to punch a hole to discover their response to the situation and points earned.  The other player gets to punch the remaining hole for their response/points.  After they sit down, they the whole group studies the related scripture.  (THEY DON’T GET HANDOUT UNTIL AFTER GAME)

6 Daniel Trivia
1.       Who took Daniel prisoner?  Babylonians
2.       How old was Daniel when he was taken prisoner by the Babylonians?  16 years old
3.       What was Daniel’s gift he received from the Lord that kept earning him recognition and promotions?  Dream Interpretations
4.       What were the names of Daniels three friends (these are the new names that we know them by rather than their original names?  Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego  (original Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.)
5.       What was the new name Daniel was given in captivity?  Belteshazzar
6.       How many kings did Daniel serve under?  4

6 Modern Day Daniel Situations:
1.        Just before you leave for lunch, your boss gives you a $50 bill for you as a way of thanking you for a project you finished early. What do you do with the money?
a.       Go to lunch at your favorite new restaurant in town and then stop at Dairy Queen for dessert. -10 pts
b.      Go to the local grocery store and buy bread, eggs and fruits to donate to the local food pantry.  + 20 pts
2.        You are trying to decide what job to apply for now that you are done with college.  You decide to:
a.       Ask family members to pray with you about it and see where the Lord leads you.  +20 pts
b.      Make a post on FB asking your friends for advice and apply for the top answer. -10 pts
3.        You were asked to perform the opening act at the Wintershow.  How do you decide to promote yourself?
a.       Have t-shirts made with you face on the front and give them away on the street corner. -10 pts
b.      Make posters to hang up saying that all earnings you make will go to the local Compassionate Ministries fund.  +20 pts
4.        You just walked into your 20th class reunion. What is the first thing you do?
a.       Hold your spouse’s hand and introduce him/her to the classmates from your youth group. +20 pts
b.      Tell your spouse you will be back in a minute and go find the former cheerleaders who used to be the life of every party so that you can post a picture on Facebook with your arms around them. -10 pts
5.        Your daughter comes to you crying because someone at school teased her about her clothes and weight.  How do you help her through this?
a.       Take her shopping at West Acres to buy her several new outfits and let her get her hair colored. -10 pts
b.      Take her for a walk each evening for two weeks as the two of you work through a God’s Girl’s study on healthy eating and loving the body God gave you. +20 pts
6.        Your new co-workers invite you to their Vikings season kick-off party to watch the game which starts at 12 noon this Sunday, but your normal family Sunday routine includes church study and worship until 12 noon and then Subway. What are you going to do?
a.       Tell your family you will go to Sunday School with them, but then will be leaving to go to the party because you want to make new friends at work.-10 pts
b.      Tell your friends you will come at half-time after church and lunch with your family. +20 pts

6 Scriptures to look at
1.        Daniel 1:8, 12, 15, 17a
2.       Daniel 2: 17-19
3.       Daniel 2:27-28; 48
4.       Daniel 3:6, 12, 16-18, 26
5.       Daniel 4:19,27
6.       Daniel 6:7,10,21-22

Table Time – Life Application:
Tables work together to look at the lessons from the 6 scripture references and fill out a chart to identify areas in their own lives to apply the lesson to.
1.        Stay pure – don’t fill your life with worldly things
2.       Look to God for help
3.       Be humble and give God the glory
4.       Surround yourself with Godly friends
5.       Share the Truth with others to lead them to God
6.       Stay true to the One True God

Bulletin Insert


Hall of Faith #9 Gideon

Faith Lessons: Gideon

Lesson for Life:  God is our one true strength.  Psalm 28:7 - The Lord is my strength and shield.   I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.  I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.
Faith Verse:  Victory comes when we let God fight the battles.  Judges 7:2 - The Lord said to Gideon, “You have too many men. I cannot deliver Midian into their hands, or Israel would boast against me, ‘My own strength has saved me’ .
Opening Activity:  (10 minutes)
Ask the weakest person at each table to stand. Give them each 2 1-liter bottles filled with water. They need to put their arms straight out in a T and see who can hold up straight the longest.
            Was this challenge easier or harder than you thought?
            What could have made it easier other than putting the water down?
            In what ways does God give us strength?
Have volunteer stand back up, but this time have the strongest person at each table stand behind them and hold up their biceps. See who can hold up the longest.
            What made it easier this time?
            Psalm 28:7 - In what way does God give us strength?
            Why would God choose the weak to fight His battles instead of strong?  Judges 7:2 (think of David and Goliath)
Whole Group Scripture: (5-10 mins)
Judges 6: 7-16
            Why had God allowed the Midianites to take over the Israelites?
            How were the Israelites/Gideon in denial? 
Why did Gideon doubt God’s message to him?
            Judges 6:25-31
Before God sent Gideon out to destroy the Midianites, He commanded Gideon to do what?
What does this tell us about Gideon’s own families’ part in Israelites sin against God?
Notice Gideon is still scared so when does he do this act?
What does verse 31 tell us about Gideon’s father?

Table Time:
Read Judges 7:1-8a, 16-22
            Have everyone at the table select a large rock and write one thing that they are good at. Place it in the first pitcher.  This represents Gideon’s army with 32,000 men.
            Why do you think God first commanded that anyone who “trembles” or was afraid to leave?  What happens when others around you are too nervous to do something? 
            Next have everyone at the table choose a small rock and write one thing that they aren’t the best at or scared of doing. Place it in the second pitcher.  This represents Gideon’s army with 300 men.
            Have someone pour water into the two pitchers.  Which one had more room for the water? 
            These two pitchers are the same as the two sizes of armies Gideon had. God wanted the victory to be HIS so the Israelites would realize they need God.  If we only do what comes easy to us, do we give God room to work?
            Note also, what did Gideon give each man to hold?  Did they even draw their swords?
            What other battle that we have studied this summer can you compare this one to?
            Ask someone to take the small rocks out and hand back to each person.  As a table discuss how each person can use that skill for God’s kingdom.  Take this rock home with you and pray each day that God gives you the strength to do what He is calling you to do.


Hall of Faith #8 Rahab

Faith Lessons: Rahab

Lesson for Life:  Trust in the Lord our God.  Psalm 9:10 (NLT) – “Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O LORD, have never abandoned anyone who searches for you.”
Faith Verse:  You can trust God because of what He has done for others. Hebrews 11:31 – “By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.”
Opening Activity:  (10 minutes)
Ask for 3 volunteers to go to another room and shut the door 
Ask for 3 volunteers to come to front – blindfold them.
Motion for your three pre-chosen adults to come forward (before the morning talk to three men who are willing to catch the volunteers in the trust fall.)
Tell the 3 blindfolded to fall backwards and they will be caught. Once they do this, lead them (still blindfolded) into the room with the first 3 volunteers are. They will choose someone to tell about their experience and blindfold. They are then to lead their partner out to the big room where whoever caught them will motion to them. Ask the new volunteers to do the trust fall.
Discuss how it felt… and apply to Life Verse
Whole Group Scripture: (5-10 mins)
Joshua 2 – 3:5
Why did Rahab trust the spies and their God?
How is this similar to our volunteers in the trust fall?
Table Time:
Talk first about who you trust and why
Read Joshua 6: 20-25 and Matthew 1:5-6
                Why did God save Rahab?
                How did Rahab “stay with Israel forever”?  (point out she must have married an Israelite – meaning she gave her life to God and was accepted.)

Bulletin Insert for churches using same topic for sermon series.