Sunday, July 26, 2015

Faith Books Week 3: Path of Life

Opening Activity:
     Encourage everyone to make their best parachute for their bendy person as they come into the class.  After parachutes are made, have everyone stand on their chairs to see whose parachute works the best.  Ask one volunteer to stand on their chair again with their parachute while another volunteer stands on their chair with a bendy person with no parachute.  Discuss what happens when they drop their person at the same time.
     Have a volunteer to read Psalm 1:6 "For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction."
     The Lord watches over us like our parachutes hovered over our bendy people.  The Lord helps us from falling when our path becomes troubled.  What are some ways the Lord is a parachute for us?

Scripture Tie-In:
    Pass out cards with four different scriptures to read and discuss as a group:  Luke 2:21-24, Matthew 3:13-17, Matthew 4:1-11, and Philipines 2:5-11

Scrapbook Page Intro:
    Our scrapbook pages today will help us illustrate our Path of Life in Christ.  We start with a pine cone on our path.  Jesus' parents took him to the temple to be dedicated.  In this square we will describe what our parents did to help up on our path of faith.
     Our second and third squares are a watering can and a sun for us to fill in with things that helped us grow or things that showed how we were stepping out in faith.  We saw Jesus be baptized by John as a symbol of the start of His ministry.
     Our fourth square has a hoe beside it because sometimes God allows our path to be hoed up as we are tempted by Satan.  Jesus was an example how to deal with temptation as He continually responded to Satan with Words from Scripture.
     Our fifth square has a full grown tree to show us that as we grow into mature Christians we not only flourish but also can help create new pine cones for God's family.

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