Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Hall of Faith Lesson #5: Jacob

Lesson for LifeShake off your sins and change your ways to the rest of your life for God.  2 Corinthians 5:17 “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”

Faith VerseHebrews 11:21 “It was by faith that Jacob, when he was old and dying, blessed each of Joseph’s sons and bowed in worship as he leaned on his staff.”

Lesson Activity Instructions:  (15 mins)
Today we are going to study Jacob. Anyone know what his name means?  Deceiver
What does that mean?
Well it took Jacob a LONG time to stop his destructive path of deception.
There is a lot of scripture to cover today and most of it is familiar, so we are going to have some fun and portray them for each other in skits.  You will notice there are 3 (or 4 depending on number of people present) doors labeled with a scene and the number of people needed for that scene.  In the room you will find costumes and copies of skits.  You have 10 minutes to practice and get ready to share your scripture in play-form.

(all rights for skits belong to Tanis Harms – refer to

Whole Group Visual Activity: (20 minutes)
Groups will come out and watch/perform skits in order.  After each skit make a list of Deceptions and Who did them on a poster board as a whole group.

Game:  Shaking Off Sin Game  (10mins)

            Ask for 12 people who are willing to get their nose dirty to win for their team.  Divide into two groups. At one end of the room are two tables with a bowl of Vaseline and a pile of 12 cotton balls.  At another spot in the room is an empty table with a sign – Faith in God.  One person from each team will hold their hands behind their back, stick their nose in the Vaseline, stick their nose into the cotton balls and run to the other table, SHAKE OFF the cotton ball and kneel down behind the table/sign.  At that point the next person may go. The first team to get all their cotton balls to the Faith table wins.

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