Monday, June 29, 2015

Faith Books Week 2: Mountaintops and Valleys

Opening Act : Popcorn Toss – Getting Closer to God
                Break group up into groups of two and give each group a bowl of popcorn. They start several feet apart and have to toss a piece of popcorn to their partner. After each toss they may step one step closer to each other until they are within arm’s reach.
                Discuss – what made it easier to reach your target: your partner? (getting closer) In what ways is this like trying to lean on God? (If you aren’t close to Him, you can’t feel His presence as well.) So in what ways can we draw closer to God?

Video: 9/11 Clip – Trading Bitterness for Peace
                Watch movie clip (4:12)  Link to purchase movie clip. Also available on Right Now Media
                Discuss questions at each table 5 mins ( handout)
Scrapbook Pages 2 and 3 – Drawing Close to God (James 4:8 printout)
                God’s Presence in your life – write down times when you felt the realness of God’s love – Mountaintop experiences – and share them with the people at your table

                God’s Absence in your life – write down times when you felt distant from God – Valley experiences – and share them with the people at your table

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