Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hall of Faith Lesson #2: Enoch

Enoch Faith Lesson

Lesson for Life:  We need to live each day as if Jesus may return that day.  1 John 2:6 – “Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.”

Faith Verse:   Hebrews 11:6 – “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Introduction to Enoch:
Let’s read the THREE verses in Genesis about our man of faith today: Enoch.  Genesis 5:21-24
Which one little word showed the shift that happened in Enoch’s life? 
AFTER…after he became a father he walked with God
So our balloons today represent steps in Enoch’s life. (Point towards balloons sitting on a table.)
(Hold up the balloon with the words “Before a son”.) So what do you think Enoch’s life looked like before he had his first son?  Remember he was 60 years old by this time. 
Had to go to school, learn how to farm…his life was pretty much in a repetitive rut.
 Take a few minutes and at your table discuss the Before Knowing God questions Table Discussion Sheet
(Interrupt table talk as you POP! the first balloon with a pin. The balloon has a card in it. Ask someone from the table you are by read it.) “Congratulations! You are going to have a baby!!”
WHAT!? God had a surprise for Enoch. He didn’t like the way Enoch’s life was going without God so He decided to step in. 
God blessed Enoch and his wife with a pregnancy. We know babies are a gift from God, but in those days they saw babies as a sign of what God thought of them. At this point Enoch probably started spending a little more time going back to God. He probably shared with his wife some of the stories of faith he had learned in his youth from his own parents.
Go ahead and look at Sharing What You Know about God on your discussion sheet.
(Again interrupt discussion time with a POP!, but this time have the balloon filled with confetti and pop it  over someone’s head) NOW as if a baby wasn’t going to be a big enough change in Enoch’s life, God ALSO told him what to name the baby boy, and it was quite a shock. 
(Hold up a poster with the CAPS words on it) the baby was to be named METHUSELAH which means “WHEN HE DIES, JUDGMENT”.  WOW – if that doesn’t put a damper on the baby shower!  Since Enoch had named his son this and let people know that GOD told him to name the baby this, we can guess that as Enoch started to spend more time with God, God had started visiting with Enoch about things. Enoch knew that this name was no joke. God was going to judge his people for their sins. 

Table Time - Poster Project
Enoch didn’t know exactly WHEN his son was going to die, nor did he know HOW God was going to judge the people, but he had enough faith to walk the rest of his life, 300 years in fact, living a life pleasing to God.  We are kind of in the same position today. WE know Jesus is coming again someday to judge us, but like Enoch, we don’t know when the Judgment will happen.
We are going to do a poster project to share with our church family to show each other some of the things God wants us to do in order to live a life pleasing to him.  Each of your tables has a poster board …turn it over and you will see the verse that I would like you to read as a table. After you read the verse, discuss what it means and draw an illustration of it on the poster.
VERSES TO USE: John 13:12-15, John 14:15, Romans 8:5-8, 1 Cor. 13:1-3, Matt 24:43-44, Matt 16:24, Luke 15:3-7
(After 15 minutes, ask each table to share their verse and poster with the whole group.)

Back to Enoch and Discussion - God’s Judgment
Now…let’s get back to Enoch and his doomsday son Methuselah.  Do you think God kept His promise?
Who wants to come up and do some math for me? (Turn METHUSELAH poster around for them to write on)
Let’s go back to Genesis 5. (Hand out verse slips ahead of time with the below verses so volunteers can read.)
How old was Methuselah when he had his first son Lamech?  (187) – (look at math volunteer) ok let’s write that…
Next let’s read Genesis 5:28 How old was Lamech when he had a son?  (182)…(looking at math voluneteer) add that to your problem…WAIT what was Lamech’s son’s name??!  That deserves a balloon POP! haha!
Ok – we are getting closer…let’s skip to Genesis 7:6. How old was Noah when the flood came?  (600)…(have the volunteer do the math.)
Hey did anyone catch how old Methuselah was when he died?? Let’s look at Genesis 5:27.  How old was he?  (969 years old!)
What was the judgment God sent when Methuselah died?!  (The Great Flood!!)

Table Activity – Application

Take a few minutes now to work at your tables with the Basket Activity on your discussion sheets.  (Play the song “Walk by Faith” by Jeremy Camp while they work thru this activity.)

Here is the Bulletin Insert to use for families and other church members to go through at home.

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