Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hall of Faith Lesson #4: Abraham

Lesson for LifeKeep your eyes on God and worship Him alone.  Romans 12:1-2a “ Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Faith VerseHebrews 11:8 “ By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”

Opening Game:  Going on to an unknown place 

Scripture: Genesis 12:1-3 (have a volunteer read)
God asked Abram to leave his home and to move. He didn’t tell Abram WHERE he was going. Let’s see how you do with a challenge like this. 
In the orange room there is a pile of things you could take on a vacation. Choose one person from your team to run into the room and select as many things as they can to take with your table. When you get back to your table, you have to dress up ONE of your team members to be ready to go on the trip we are going to send them on. You only have 10 seconds though to get your items and 1 minute to prepare your person– GO!
When everyone is back, have them pick up the number card in the middle of their table and look at a poster you now have visible – 1. Hawaii  2.  Alaska  3.  The Sahara desert  4.  The Amazon Rain Forest.  Have the room evaluate how prepared their traveler is.

Moving deeper into our Lesson: 
Remember last week we learned about Noah?  Why did God send the flood?  God had promised not to kill everyone again but He needed to bring His worshippers out to create a nation devoted to him.
Why do you think God asked Abram to do this? (There were too many distractions around him…even people in Abram’s FAMILY worshiped other gods so he would need to leave them too.)  Now even though Abram obeyed God, he did take someone outside his immediate family with him – Lot, his nephew.  Lot was a grown up…and God had NOT chosen him to leave because Lot had a weakness: he loved the things of the world sometimes more than God.

Whole Group Visual Activity: Skit with Abraham and Lot

Table Activities  
            Tables with elementary children: What is Important

      Tables with teens or no children: Worship Jenga & Jenga Slips

Bulletin Insert To put in bulletins for families and other members of congregations to participate at home with.

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