Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hall of Faith Lesson #3: Noah

Lesson for Life:  Being a witness for God.  Matthew 5:16 – “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Faith Verse:  Hebrews 11:7a – “By faith Noah, when warned about things not seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family.

Opening Act – Being a Witness:
Have someone run through the room wearing a costume screaming “I want a tomato! Not a potato! I want a tomato!” while holding a potato.  (The person does not stay in the room.)
Ask someone at each table to stand up and tell us what they just witnessed. (They stay standing.)
What is a witness?
It means when you see something happen, and you tell about it.

Ask the people who are standing to write down their answers on a piece of paper for some specific questions:
            What was the person wearing?   What color was his shirt?  What color was his hair?
            Was he carrying anything?  If so, what?  What color was it?
            What was he saying?  What emotion was he expressing?
Have the person come in again and go thru the questions. Who was the best witness? Was it easy being a witness?
Our character today, Noah, was a witness for God.  Our Faith Verse today is Hebrews 11:7a – “By faith Noah, when warned about things not seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family.” 
Most of us are familiar with Noah’s story, but let’s read a few verses about why he began to build the ark
Have two volunteers read Genesis 6:5-8 and 6:13-22.

Table Activity: What Are We Witnessing?
Noah had a decision to make: Was he going to listen to a God he couldn’t see and build the ark? Noah based his decision on what he was witnessing in his life: the things that gave him faith in God vs the world around him.
We have the same decision to make today when we decide to follow God’s calling or not.  On your table you have a chart to fill out. Complete it by discussing at your table the things you witness in each category today in our world.  Note how some of the things you list on your lists are things you hear about not see…just as Noah did.  We still believe in them though because we have faith in the newscasters, etc.

Movie Break
Now it was pretty easy for Noah to have faith in God’s love because the evil in the world was pretty evident to him.  However, God asked him to build this HUGE ark – there was no way he was going to be able to hide it from people.  Let’s watch a scene from Evan Almighty that gives a glimpse at what this would have been like for him.  (Scene 16 – People’s reaction, 3:41 mins)
Noah had three sons too…how do you think they felt about this ark building project?
At your tables share some of the big challenges God has asked you to do?

Table Activities
       Tables with children
We don’t need to build an ark in our backyard to be a witness to God.  What are some things you can make to let people know you believe in God? Sometimes we may keep these things for ourselves, but other times we give them to someone else. You can decide what you want to make and what you want to do with it. Go back to the craft table and gather supplies to make something for each person at your table.  (keychains/clip, bookmarks, suncatchers, windchimes, bumper stickers (with sharpies). 
**Have different levels of craft projects…those for young kids, elementary, teens, adults**

Tables without children option
Moses’ story of building the Ark is a “Big Story” of witness. The “big stories” have their time and place, but we need to be able to identify and use our “little stories” in order to be witnesses for Christ too.
“Little stories” are the moments of God that happen in the world everyday—an answered prayer, God’s presence in a time of trouble, the joy of the sunrise, new insights from the scriptures, a cup of cold water with someone in need, etc. Additionally, aren’t the scriptures a lot of “little stories” that make up God’s big story of redemption?
Because these “little stories” happen all the time, they give youth and adults plenty to talk about. We simply have to learn to talk about these things. Shrinking Timeline Worksheet.

Take Home: 

Noah Memory game to send home with elementary kids. Game

Bulletin Insert to use for families to do at home or for other church members to follow along with.

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