Thursday, July 2, 2015

Hall of Faith Lessons #7: Joshua

Lesson for Life: Following God or Men?  Joshua 24:15b – But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

Faith Lesson:  Faith is following God into the impossible.  Hebrews 11:30 – By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the army had marched around them for seven days.”

Intro Activity – Gravity Goo
How would you define a miracle?  What are some miracles you have read about in the bible?
Are we capable of defying the laws of nature on our own? Gravity Goo experiment (purchase via Amazon or Ebay)
Do experiment – does liquid normally do this? No because of gravity. When we see something like this that defies gravity, we are amazed because gravity is one of those things that we are powerless over. I’d love to fly like Superman – think I can?! No! Gravity keeps my feet on the ground. I’d like to keep this water from spilling (tip over a cup) but I can’t because I am not in charge of gravity. But someone in can and that’s God. He gave the creators of this Gravity Goo the recipe to defy gravity, and in our bible story today we will learn how he gave Joshua a surprising recipe to defy gravity today too.

Whole Group Activity: 

Flashback to before Joshua was a leader: the Israelites decide to follow men rather than God
Numbers 13:25-14:11
What were the miracles the people had seen so far as Moses helped them escape Egypt…? Remember last week
The result of the people’s lack of trusting God was God punishing all those present and said that only Joshua and Caleb would see the Promised Land

Fast forward 40 years later when Joshua is now leading the Israelites:  Who are the Israelites going to follow now?

God had just led this new group of Israelites through a flooded river so that they could experience an earth-defying miracle like their grandparents who passed through the Red Sea.
            Joshua 5:13-6:5
            Well what do you think? Are they going to listen to Joshua THIS time? Let’s break into groups and finish the story…

Following God’s Plan for our lives – Table Game Time

Each table has game materials and Instruction Sheet
Game cards will be copied on colored sheets:
Green - All Ages Front
(for game board there are tons of free gameboards available online. Here is one.

The families with children are welcome to take a game home.

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